How I Travelled Series

“I’m Chai Vuriti and this is my story.”

After travelling to a lot of places in India, I moved to Australia for work in 2019. With my Passion and Enthusiasm in Travel and Photography, I started exploring Australia like the Backpackers from other countries and with the Backpackers from other countries. Since then, I visited every state and territory in Australia.

It all started when I was making posters with the photos I have taken during my trips. One day, I made a poster called “How I Travelled Australia” and sent it to my brother for a review. He, then, asked me,


That’s when I decided to write “HOW” and started the series “How I Travelled Australia” and successfully published my travelogues on World’s Best and Popular e-Book Platform: Amazon Kindle. Paperbacks are also available for all editions.

My first travelogue “Backpacking the East Coast of Australia” reached #1 in Amazon Best Sellers under Arts & Photography and Travel categories, and “my Spirit of Tasmania” reached #1 in Amazon Best Sellers under Photo Essays and Australia South Pacific Travel categories.

The Series : How I Travelled Australia (⬈), is not in anyway a Travel guide or just a collection pictures taken randomly at every place. As the name suggests “How I Travelled Australia“, the series of books let the readers experience the Beauty of Travel and the Love of People along my journey of being a Digital Nomad. And my photos show the true beauty of nature and a different perspective to this world.

The Series is a Travelogue of my journey in Australia and is a truly personal experience.

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