January 30, 2020 by Chai Vuriti
Why I do not photograph everything I see!
Naturally Curious
Photography has always been a great interest of mine. Since childhood, I evolved taking photographs on different devices at different places and raised a particular interest in wildlife photography. The composition is the most important aspect in a photo followed by the perspective. There can be 100 photographers taking a picture of a particular place but only a few could capture it from a fresh perspective. In short, there are 2 types of people.
- • Photograph everything you see.
- • Photograph something you could only imagine.

© Chaitanya Vuriti
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Although I try to capture my moments every now and then, I try to be the second type of person. And combining photography with travel is another concept. When I travel, I use my mobile camera 90% of the time to capture my moments and DSLR for only about 10% as very few compositions require a DSLR. The phone cameras are so advanced these years you could practically go mobile every time and everywhere for your basic travel photography. I capture most of the landscapes with only my iPhone. I use DSLR for only and only Wildlife photography where Focal length and Shutter Speed play a major role. I’m not a pro-photographer but I take considerably good photographs as per my understanding and with the gear I possess.
The second reason why I do not photograph everything is that I try to enjoy the moment instead of taking my mobile or camera out like everybody else around me or possibly in the whole world. It’s most important for me that when I’m travelling, I try to live the moment if it lasts only for a few seconds/minutes like when dolphins were coming out of the sea at the Bagnalls beach in Port Stephens. I would love to capture the moments if I think I could enjoy while photographing like the seals playing and sunbathing at the Australia Rock in Narooma. Even though I have seen a lot of wild and marine life during my travels, I captured very few of them. I don’t even feel like taking my phone or camera sometimes even when there’s an exotic animal in my sight like when the sea-turtle was surfacing above the water at the Urangan Pier.
With conjunction to the above reasons, sometimes I actually travel just to capture the moments. I travelled for 3 hours to capture the Pelicans Feeding at The Entrance which lasted only about 15 minutes. I walked deep into the bushes at The Forts Walk to capture the Koalas on the branches of trees.
Travel and Photography are my passion and even though they are closely related, I try to keep them exclusive to each other.